This recipe is so easy and so delicious!! It is rich in antioxidant activity, including polyphenolic antioxidant ellagic acid, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, vitamin-E from the nuts....

This Mexican recipe requires tofu which is usually 100% gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan and it contains soybeans. It is rich in iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium and other essential minerals....

These crispy vegan hash brown potatoes are so delicious, that once you’ve tasted them you will never be able to tolerate any other kind....

For veggies, you can use anything you have or you want like celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, red cabbage, corn kernels, mushrooms, green beans, zucchini....

A good breakfast is important to keep you full for a long time and there is nothing like one which you’ve made in your very own kitchen....

Who said you need eggs for a great french toast? Why don't you try this delicious Eggless French Toast?...