Banana bread is a classic dessert, often eaten even for breakfast. But also one of the easiest to modify recipes and add chocolate chips or coconut and you'll have a whole new recipe....
With just a few ingredients, this Orange Cranberry Cake is easy to make and perfect for breakfast with a glass of warm milk or a cup of tea. Simply enjoy its delicious flavors....
Chocolate cake is a classic, but add a little twist with a bit of mint and you will have a real delight to enjoy....
What if combine red wine and chocolate into Red Wine Chocolate Cake? We all know the benefits of drinking red wine like increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, decreased blood clot formation, decreased blood vessel damage due to low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels but wine not add it to a dessert? Did you make this Red Wine Chocolate Cake recipe? Please let...
This Coconut Cake with Chocolate Ganache covered with a silky ganache, moist and fragrant gives it an exquisite feel that makes it even more delicious....
Hello!! Welcome to Try Vegan Recipes
I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! This blog is focusing on encouraging people to try a vegan lifestyle and see the difference for themselves.